Important Notice: Avoid Fake Traffic

To all writers using our platform,

We want to emphasize that using fake or bot-generated traffic is strictly prohibited and goes against our community guidelines and terms of service.

Using fake traffic not only undermines the integrity of our platform but also jeopardizes the trust and credibility of our entire writer community.

Why Fake Traffic Is Problematic

Violation of terms: Using fake traffic violates our terms of service and community guidelines. We have a zero-tolerance policy towards any form of fraudulent activity on our platform.

Detection measures: We employ sophisticated algorithms and tools to detect suspicious activity, including fake traffic. Once detected, appropriate action will be taken, which may include the deletion of your submissions and the withholding of any revenue generated.

Negative impact: Artificially inflating traffic not only compromises the accuracy of our metrics but also distorts the performance of your stories.

It creates an unfair advantage for those engaging in unethical practices and undermines the opportunities for genuine writers to succeed.

Our Commitment to Integrity

We are committed to maintaining the integrity and authenticity of our platform, and we rely on the cooperation of our writers to uphold these values.

We believe in creating a fair and transparent environment where all writers have an equal opportunity to showcase their talent and earn revenue from their work.

What you can do Instead

Focus on building genuine engagement and attracting real readers to your stories through legitimate means.

Invest in creating quality content, optimizing for search engines, and leveraging social media to reach your target audience authentically.

Building a loyal readership takes time and effort, but the rewards are far more meaningful and sustainable in the long run.

Reporting Suspicious Activity

If you come across any instances of fake traffic or suspicious activity on our platform, please report them to our support team immediately. Your vigilance helps us maintain a safe and fair environment for all writers.

We urge all writers to adhere to our guidelines and uphold the highest standards of integrity and professionalism. Let’s work together to build a community where talent, creativity, and ethical conduct are celebrated and rewarded.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Melissa Jeptoo, Head of Content, The Scoop Kenya.